It is a great disappointment that school exam results in Oxfordshire show no sign of improving.
A county as prosperous as ours should be doing much better.
A package of measures to raise standards over the past two years is said to have brought no improvement. Now the county council is having another try.
The new focus will look at ways of engaging pupils, parents, governors and teachers in a joint campaign to improve results.
Of course it is right that parents should play a full part in their children's education.
They can do much to support learning at home and take an interest in their children's work.
But is this going to be enough to stop the rot?
We pay taxes for our children to be educated by professionals. There are some fantastic ones at work in a school near you today.
But have we got enough stars and are some of the others simply not up to the job?
Clearly something has gone wrong with education in this Conservative/Lib Dem run County. We need to elect a Liz Brighouse Labour Team to rescue Ozfordshire's Schools.