Look for a past email inviting you to join it should look similar to this below, but refering to Henley Blog instead
Your comments go here.]-------------------------------------------You have been invited by Joe Schmoe to join a blog on Blogger.com, called Feed the Tree.Blogger is an automated, collaborative weblog publishing tool.NEXT STEPS: 1. Please follow the link below. If you do not follow this link, you will not be able to logon to the correct project. http://www.blogger.com/login.pyra?invID=PA93531A731123BR31402. If you are already a Blogger user, you can accept or decline the assignment to this project. 3. If you are not a Blogger, just enter a username and password to sign in.IMPORTANT: Even if you are already a Blogger user, please follow the above link so we can properly apply your response to this invitation.Thanks!