I suppose, in the future if the car lobby get their way, a car friendly Oxfordshire would mean every arterial road in the County being turned into a motorway, including the Oxford to Witney road. Extra road lanes added to the Oxford Ring Road, perhaps a new motorway byepass built in the Green Belt around Oxford. Certainly fewer buses and train services linking the main towns in Oxfodrshire and massive traffic jams. No doubt many of the new roads in such a plan would have to be in the form of toll roads, so that the government could finance them and smog warnings would become a regular occurance. No doubt house prices would be even higher in Oxford, while those outside in the countyside could drop, as the time taken to commute to Oxford would become a major influence on house prices. Perhaps turning Oxford into a ghetto where only the rich can afford to live.
It is not a future I would like to see for the County.