Re- launch of Oxford Fabian Society
To all members of the Fabian Society in Oxford and Oxfordshire:
Meetings of the Fabian Society have been in abeyance for some years and our opportunity to discuss matters of wider political and social issues led by invited speakers, has not been possible, particularly in the absence of the University Fabian Society.
In discussions with the Dartmouth Street Headquarters of the Fabian Society, it was suggested that I explore the possibility of re-launching the Oxford and Oxfordshire Fabian Society. Accordingly the purpose of this message is to ascertain the degree of interest amongst Fabian Society (and possibly other interested) members in such a re-launch.
The points for consideration and views (based on past experience in the Oxford Fabian Society include:
a) Meetings to be held three times each year – in term time perhaps?
b) To invite a distinguished speaker to be met by only 5/6 members (as happened in the past) is both futile and insulting. One proposal would be to circulate members 1 to 2 months in advance and arrange any meeting based only on a firm commitment of attendance by at least 20 (?) members.
c) Venues – Oxford, Headington, Thame to incorporate the requirements of both the City and County members of the Fabian Society?
d) Some sort of small subscription might be necessary, preferably not involving a tedious bureaucratic collection system.
e) Communication with members would be by email and news would be posted on a dedicated page of Oxfordprospect.co.uk at http://www.oxfordprospect.co.uk/Fabian%20Society.htm I have also provided a Blog site at http://oxfordprospect.blogspot.com/ to enable members to discuss the issues that matter to them.
I would be grateful if you would let me know (by email) your views on this proposal and its attendant details to ascertain whether I should proceed further.
Yours fraternally
Nicholas A. Newman
Chair Greater Headington Labour Party
Editor: Oxfordprospect.co.uk & Headington Forum
Email: editor@oxfordprospect.co.uk